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The knock on the front door of our cottage repeated itself in my Equestria dreamscape. For an instant I considered ignoring it but decided it would better if I got it before any of the mares woke Full House from it. Reluctantly I opened the door.

      I found Cogs standing there on threshold stone of our cottage. The golden-orange mare is a neighbor of ours from just down the road. She and her father run one of the local grain mills and the sight of their windmill slowly turning is familiar landmark for fliers and travelers in the area. From the packed panniers on her back it appeared that she was returned from the marketplace in Ponyville. Around her neck was her signature purple bandana. She had dropped by to see if Carousel was done with a couple tools she’d borrowed from Cogs.

      I almost succeeded in getting rid of her when Rainbow Dash suddenly decided to make an appearance in the worst possible way. With a fine case of bed mane and tail, blood-shot eyes and groggy disposition it was obvious that RD had just gotten out of bed. Gotten out of the bed that was in my bedroom. The same bed that Petina, Carousel and I slept in every night. Then chorus of female voices emanated for that same room, and Cogs could quickly determine that three mares had apparently slept in my bed last night.

      Now Cogs is a nice mare but she has terrible vice. She loves gossip, and suddenly she had what was probably one of the juiciest pieces of gossips in months, and from the look in her eyes she going to grind out the rumor of the year. Well this day was going downhill fast!




You are so burned. Just own it and ride it out.


BOOM! That just set off a thermonuclear level gossip scandal. BATTEN DOWN HATCHES AND ALL HANDS MAN YOU BATTLE STATIONS!


I used to like Cogs but there is little worse then a gossiper.


Ah poor stallion ... But for Rainbow Dash, I'd put up with the oncoming storm.


RD would agree with you. All I'll say is life gets more interesting for the two of us.


Still there is that instinctive temptation to try and weasel out of it at first.


And at this point I'm getting a bit lost. What are the potential negative consequences of this news getting out? Are we talking annoying teasing? Slight loss of privacy? Social exclusion? Loss of job opportunities/sales? Violence? I know there are ponies that don't like all four of them, but I'm not sure I understand how this will affect enough 'swing voters' to justify Skybrush's reaction. Though if Skybrush had been a little more on the ball, he might have tried deflected this by making it clear he woke up on the couch. :P


Cadfael would like to pass some wisdom along to hs friend. "With mares, they will ask you the questions, then tell you the answers. But in the end you will still be wrong!" Now go get their breakfast and don't forget the coffee.


Best outcome: Cogs spreads only the truth she knows -- Dash spent the night in your cottage (along with the usual three occupants). She doesn't know more.


Skybrush waking up on the couch wouldn't reduce the rumors much, because that would still mean RD spent the night sharing a bed with Petina. Besides, there's the "lap dance" incident from the previous evening.


I know what many of the stallions will be thinking. He's got THREE mares! Lucky stallion!