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As part of my research related to my concept art for the Roan RPG, I have been exploring various firearm designs from our world looking for interesting designs that will give the Roan universe its own signature look and feel. One thing that Robert wants for the world is a feeling that the ponies have actual developed equipment for themselves. We didn't want the equipment to feel like it was all human technology that ponies had bolted different handles on so they could handle them.

This has required a bit of thought and research on my part. Even allowing for ponies sticky, gecko, contact levitation abilities manipulating some devices get challenging. Also allowing for quadruped locomotion and different joint location and range of motion and things get interesting. Yes levitation is an option for certain members of society, but I am working from the premise that ponies would try to design equipment that any pony could pick up and use.

Another staple of Pulp/Diesel Punk adventures is the shotgun. Especially pump action shotguns. The sound of slides racking is a staple of the genre. While I was considering options for pony shotguns I started wondering whether the some of the more unorthrodox slide action mechanisms might be worth exploring. Actions like Burgess pump action shotgun and the Russian RMB-93 pump forward.

The RMB-93 was developed in the early 1990's primarily for the law enforcement and security forces. One of the goals of the design team was to reduce the size and weight of the shotgun. This made for a very compact shotgun, but since it very light, 2.5kg the shotgun does have a bit of recoil. Also some people have complained that the RMB-93 has a rather heavy trigger pull. However that may be a good thing since in a high stress environment and possibility of wearing gloves, this is Russia, can help reduce the chance of accidental discharges. It is very interesting see one in action. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CHEbRb2hVg

The RMB-93 has never been imported to the USA. Although it has been sold in Canada and parts of the EU. The weapon seems to be very polarizing with people either loving it or hating it. I have never handled or fired one so I have no opinion on the topic.




Interesting. Gravity ejecting but I see an issue. If prone firing you got an issue. Also seems to me the video was tainted. My 12 ga M590A kicks real good. This looked like blanks or light load birdshot rather than triple 000 or slugs. It does make a neat idea though move the barrel instead of the bolt system. The Russians do make a great 870 Remington clone. For ponies I recommend the 1886 lever actions. Modify the lever for their hooves fire by a front grip trigger mechanism. Nothing like the rack of a shotgun to get ones attention or clear an area. I have done that more than once.


Interesting shotgun there. I wonder if a slam-fire style shotgun might work better for ponies (one designed with it in mind, not just incidental). I've seen a few drawings where they've put the guns mounted like saddle bags, too, although I have a feeling that for any higher-recoil weapon it might put an odd if not painful strain on them.