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Okay, it is the first of month and according to my numbers everyone has paid up for the month. So for all my $50.00 month patrons please send an e-mail to baron@sm-ew.com with what you want for your sketch. Also I am working on the next Equestria dreamscape posting, but since we exceeded $400.00 what would folks like to see for additional dreamscape postings? More Equestria or perhaps Andur or the Angel and Knight dreamscapes? Let me know we'll take it from there. Finally my first video stream will be Sunday May 24th, with the video hang out happening sometime the following week. I was thinking of starting them around 5:30PST so they won't run too late for folks on the East Coast. Is this a time that will work with you? I


Karl Maurer

I'd love to see some Angel work. :)


Do you mean my Angel and Knight dreamscape, and if so do you mean my A&K Prime or Alternate 1 or 2 dreamscapes?

Karl Maurer

Yes, Angel and Knight. As to which... would need to see more of both, of course. *chuckle* But, to be honest, I don't know the difference... my brain is so porous... things seep in and leak out.


A pony version of Andur? (Just kidding - sort of.) You've got lots of existing material to choose from.


I would like to see more of Andur.