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1. If you find that the August passwords don't work, that's because I changed the passwords one time. Please contact me through message to get the new passwords.
And if your password works, it means you got the correct password.

2. I 've sent the link of August Diaries MEGA folder to 15-20$ tier members. This is convenient for August members to browse the diary of August because my work progress is DELAY and I will continue to make it in September. If you cannot sponsor in September for some reason, you can still get the diaries of August through MEGA FOLDER. But I want to declare first that if I find out that someone maliciously leaks the Folder link to the outside world, I will delete the LINK immediately. I hope that everyone will not destroy each other's trust and benefits. I will delete the link in about 1-2 days when all August diaries are completed. So Please download in time. By the way, all the files will still be in Patreon page .So if you are a long-term sponsored member, as long as you have the correct password, all files can be found,

3. I'll offer the comic " Totally Muscular Vol4"(Last part) in September, You can join 20 USD$ tier to get the comic, but if you choose comic, you can't request your diaries commission of September.

4. Diary service will also be available in September(reqeusting time : 9/2-9/15)but judging by the current progress, many September diaries will  be completed in October. According to my current thinking, I will suspend accepting new diary commissions in October and finish the work in September first.



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