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Just yesterday, this very detailed walkthrough was sent to me, and I was given permission to share it here! If you're having trouble with the demo or if you want to make sure you saw everything, this is what you're looking for.

Very special thanks to Draconian for making this walkthrough. Thank you! :D

Version 2: Minor updates and Alchemy solutions!


That New Shoe Smell

Just when I thought I'd found everything, I look at the map and see something I missed. Go figure! I'm constantly impressed by just how much you poured into this demo!


At the risk of sounding like a wimp, I really hope you tone down the difficulty in the final game. For what is, at its face, a lighthearted game about cute monster girls with growing boobs, some of these puzzles were just outright brutal. The alchemy puzzles in particular took me hours to solve, and looking back I'm not sure it was the best use of those evenings. Still, much love to Draconian for taking pity on us wimps.


Well i check Walkthrough. and im sad cuz i find everything myself before. no more content for me :( i was sure there is secret with posters that you find in city in room D7 saddly no same with these glowing big orbs above doors


I do like hard puzzles, but even so the to be implemented hint system should help for overworld puzzles. As for the alchemy puzzles, The harder ones in the demo were mostly there to show what to expect of late-ish game difficulty, I'll make sure to introduce easier ones to flatten that difficulty curve in the final game.


Well good job for finding everything on your own ^^ The posters are a useless item, and the orbs are really just there to make it easier to see the staircases.


Wasted my time creating a patreon account just so I can say this game is impressive. I'm keeping tabs on this one for sure. In addition, I Soft-locked my game! By having BOTH the player and enemy be attacked at the exact same time, IN ADDITION to the enemy being at death's door, I have froze the screen itself. The audio still plays, but everything else remains still, save for the nonexistent mouse. Kinda sucks when that happens after playing half of the demo without saving, but I do get a kick out of seeing games glitch out like this.


Thank you! :D Wow that's a new one, I'm really sorry about this :/ Guess there will be one more update after all. Thanks for reporting it ^^