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Wow! I can't believe the first goal has been reached already, this is crazy! This means that we're skipping the level 0 bust size before the monstergirl poll has even begun!

The reason the poll hasn't begun yet is, as you may have guessed, that I've been very, very busy with the release of the demo. Fixing bugs, adding suggested mechanics, advertising as best I can and answering to as many messages as possible. I'll have more info to share about the poll in a week or so.

Now as sappy as this might sound, the real reason I'm posting this is that I simply wanted to thank you. The support has been incredible, and whether you are a patron, offered me advice or suggestions, reported a bug, or have simply been silently following the development of the game, know that I am very grateful.

I'll keep doing my best no matter what. Thank you!


Ahzi Dahaka

Now we've blasted through to size 2 and are well on the way to size 3... If this keeps up we might just hit some pretty respectable bust sizes~