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Here is a small collection of new shapes and items that will appear in the game.  Obviously, the shapes are in the bottom left, and the rest are items. The ones to the left are spells, and the rest are ingredients/accessories.

I made quite a bit of progress these last three week: all graphics are taken care of, and the tedious work of exporting and importing them in the game (+more boring and time consuming stuff) has been done as well!

And so, I've begun coding again! There are a few improvements that need to be taken care of, but mostly I have to code the new shapes' behavior, new spells, new exploration objects, this kind of stuff. I won't show you my task list this time since it contains a bunch of spoilers, but it's not excessive anyway and I'll probably be done with most of it (if not all) by the next update.

Once that's done, all that's left is the sound aspect of the game, followed by actually designing maps and balancing the game.

I already dabbled into music composing and got pretty frustrated at my inablility to make anything of worth. I'm not completely giving up yet, but if I end being unable to compose something I like I'll have to find someone to do it for me. Worst case scenario, the demo will have royalty free music so I don't have to delay the demo.

Q:  You've mentioned that with the grade increase, that there will be "other" changes as well. Would that mean that other monster girls would gain other appearance changes as well? Like bigger swords/wings/claws, longer hair, or bigger muscles when applicable?

A:  Pretty much, yes. Most of the work will still go into the BE, but every now and then I'll add or change something, like what you described. It won't  be too common, but it will happen. Nothing that completely changes the design though. 

And that's it for now! See you! :)



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