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And here it is, the result of my training! It's not mindblowing, but I'm still really happy with how it turned out. If you're interested, there is a no logo version as well as the lineart available on my pixiv.

I'll do my best to keep improving!

Now, for the actual weekly update:

The menu interface is finally done! All that's left is to implement it. I'm not entirelly sure how long it will take, but I should be able to make some good progress on that next week.

I also have about 75% of the grimoire interface, which is basically a bunch of records (bestiary, items, map, quests...). Implementing this will come much later though.

So yeah, a pretty good week overall, also due to the fact that I got my first two patrons, which is amazing! Thank you so much, both of you.

Finally, I now have a twitter. I'm not much of a social guy, but I'll try to tweet every now and then, If I have something interesting to say. 





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