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Hey everybody, just wanted to let you all know what's been going on with me the last week. It's just been one physical malady after another that may or may not all be related. Last Wednesday I was severely ill with full on flu symptoms, felt better Thursday, but Friday and Saturday I spent just extremely dizzy. And I don't know if it's related, but it feels like I threw my back out yesterday and I can barely move around.

I've tried sitting at my desk to get work done but after about a half hour it becomes unbearable to be upright. The only relief I can get is lying in bed. Thankfully I do have a fancy tablet with which to sketch on, but for the time being that's about the extent of what I can do drawing wise.

I have to hope this will pass in a day or two because while y'alls support allows me to live, the American health care system fucking blows, and I can't afford to see a doctor.

I'll get through this, I'll get better, it just might take some time. Thank you all again for the support.




Take all the time you need to get better Rab!


I wish you the best Rab. Get well soon!


Don't sweat it dude, rest it out and hit up the ER if it gets really bad. Wish you the best!


Take care of yourself and get well soon!


I have always enjoyed your work very much and thank you for your hard work. Now, please stop your work and take a good rest for one or two weeks. Of course, I personally strongly recommend that you see a doctor in time. Best wishes!


Please rest until you're feeling better. Your health is more important than a few more drawings this month.


Oh, sorry to hear about this! :( Please do get it checked out in case just it’s something worse than flu. Best wishes, and take as long as you need to recover.


I hope you feel better soon, but take the time you need.


Don't worry about us and get well. We'll stay around until you get better.


I wish you a good recovery ! Take care !


Please rest up, take as long as you need to recover.


Worry about yourself first Rab, everything else comes second


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I hope you feel better soon Rab! ^_^ Hope you get plenty of rest! :D


Take all the time you need, I hope all these hassles stop troubling you soon.


Your work is exceptional and the more you follow your own interests and instincts the better it seems to get! I hope you feel better and take gentle care of yourself.


sorry to hear about it, get well soon


That sounds not so good=( I hope, that you get well soon! Your health is one of the important things. you have! Take you all the time, you need for your full recovery!