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Heya heya!!

(I'm still on my trip, but this post was scheduled, so the past "Illu" is talking to you!!)

What's coming up this month?!

-Mirko's short movie (This movie gonna have 1 min length! I'm still waiting for VAs to do their part! As fast they send me their voices, the movie will be uploaded!!)
I would like to be able to post 1min exclusive animation every month, but I have to check if it's posible to do all the stuff at same time (Animation, post, games...)

-Mei's project: Ochako chapter!! (Now yes, the real one ๐Ÿคญ... Take the April chapter as an April fools, but late!)

There is a little surprise... But I don't know if I'll be able to upload it this month, or it will be finished for June!! I'll only say a new mini-game is in the making!!

I recommend connecting your Discord account in the settings of Patreon to be able to access my private Discord. There, you'll have all the news and direct contact with me... And we're growing every day, so don't think twice and join!

As I always say, the idea factory continues, and without you, none of this is possible. So, remember that by contributing to my Patreon, you're making this bigger and filled with great new projects!
A hug to everyone!






Shucks. I hope you enjoy your trip, you earned it