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"The ultimate cost of the truth is freedom."

You can download it from one of the links below:

OFFICIAL VERSION (Original Quality):

OFFICIAL COMPRESSED VERSION (Lower Quality; Lower File Size):

Please make sure that you are using a clean save before reporting any bugs/problems.

Installation Notes:

1. Download from your preferred File Hosting Site

2. Install and extract ZIP.

For Android users:

1. Download from your preferred File Hosting Site.

2. Install APK.

Found any bugs? Feel free to contact the developer. Any feedback helps make the game better!  You can join us on Twitter and Discord!

Here's the complete changelog for Version 0.5.3:

  • Contains the Chapter 1 Rework, featuring 629 new/remade images and 22 animations. It also features several new dialogue, expanded scenes with Jessica and with different characters, and major bug fixes.
  • A new Main Menu interface, with an Act Select, and a dynamic main menu depending on your current chapter in the game.
  • Major script and folder structure changes for future compatibility with the next chapters. This version is considered a test-run before the release of the Act II interval, "The Assistant", and Act II - Chapter 1 of the game. 
  • A new save is highly recommended. With all the bug fixes the game went through and several variable changes, some errors might occur with old saves. I tried to keep compatibility throughout Act I, but I decided to clean up the code a bit instead of keeping it as a rough patch job, so bear with me.

​On another note, a recent option in Patreon opened up. Patrons are now billed depending on when they start their subscription date, instead of being billed immediately on the first day of the next month. This change doesn't apply to current Patrons (since your subscription date's basically the 1st already).

Cheers, and stay tuned for news regarding the next update!

~ Crispy



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