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Just Tiffany being all mischievous.

Tiffany has, once again, dominated both the 400 Discord Members Poll and the Monthly Polls! After a brief insight from some of you, a subsequent poll will temporarily remove the winning girl, to pave the way for the others to have their moment. I know you all love Tiffany, but damn she's been winning one poll after another!

That said, as announced previously, the following dates for releases are as follows:

  • Act I, Chapter 1 Rework - September 5, 2022 
  • Act II Interval Chapter: "The Assistant" - September 2022 (TBA) 
  • Act II, Chapter 1 - October 2022 (TBA)  

Also, you can watch The Arson Betrayal's Official Trailer here: https://vimeo.com/743381936 

Cheers, and I'll see you all in the next chapter.

~ Crispy Chicken



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