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Today, Ellen White takes on Spiritualism! And by takes on, I mean mostly ignores.


Creationist Tries to Debunk ALL Atheists:



Seventh-day Adventist eschatology: https://tinyurl.com/ywoyhdll

Satan and His Allies: https://tinyurl.com/yocqjwgw

Siege of Rome (537–538): https://tinyurl.com/yrr97kkj

Byzantine Papacy: https://tinyurl.com/yql72sxd

Nero as the Antichrist: https://tinyurl.com/ylywdo5y

New Zealand 'the best country to work as a prostitute', says sex worker advocacy group: https://tinyurl.com/yqvy2r82

Do Birds Store Food For The Winter?: https://tinyurl.com/yp7o2m4d

Southwest Bird Die-Off Caused by Long-Term Starvation: https://tinyurl.com/ysyzzojl

How the Fox Sisters’ Hoax Gave Birth to Spiritualism: https://tinyurl.com/2dchor9x

Do Adventists Believe In The Gift Of Healing?: https://tinyurl.com/yue6fl65

All my various links can be found here:





Please: not Bye-zanteen, but Biz-zanteen. This grates my ears 😠


Fun fact 🥱: The Hebrew religious calendar (which is used in the Bible) is a lunisolar calendar. The months keep pace with the actual moon, and the years are constructed in a way that makes them keep pace with the solar year. Months in the calendar alternate between 30 and 29 days, matching the actual moon month of about 29 ½ days. Together with special rules which sometimes take away one day or add one day, that makes a 12 month year 353, 354 or 355 days long. To catch up with the solar year of about 365.2425 days, an extra month of 30 days is occasionally inserted. Together with the special rules this gives a long year of 383, 384 or 385 days. At no point does that calendar have 360 days in a year (9:55). So no imprecision there. In fact, the Hebrew religious calendar already kept (slightly) better pace with the solar year for more than a thousand years before the Christians had to invent the Gregorian calendar to clean up the deficiency of the Julian calendar.

Viced Rhino

Yeah that's what happens when I trust a Christian source about Jewish stuff. Normally I don't, but I figured that was such an easy one that surely they'd have gotten THAT right. Goddammit.