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What is going on here? Is Rhino being held captive, and a 13 minute video is a cry for help? Or did Pastor Dickie just reuse so much material that even I can't draw it out to my normal 30+ minute run time?


I Think I Read These Chapters Before... | Problems with Atheism, Ch 7, 8, and Conclusion

What is going on here? Is Rhino being held captive, and a 13 minute video is a cry for help? Or did Pastor Dickie just reuse so much material that even I can't draw it out to my normal 30+ minute run time? Cards: Problems with Atheism Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLbOEx_k9dkftfZrOCNFAEiyZV7qXPrmq It's Godwin Time! | Problems with Atheism, Chapter 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFONw7L0sWw Guest Videos Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLbOEx_k9dkdMrX_Eks1rtJVFgILrupqj The Watering Hole: https://www.youtube.com/@WateringHole Sources: Existentialism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy): https://tinyurl.com/y6e8fufg Hitler: The Philosopher Führer: https://tinyurl.com/27gjk49v The Visual History of Decreasing War and Violence: https://tinyurl.com/23muco78 All my various links can be found here: http://links.vicedrhino.com



Puddles is adorable.


As Robin Williams put it: "In the dictionary under redundant it says: See redundant" (Works even better with circular)