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Today, Dr. Georgia Purdom of Answers in Genesis finishes her talk on how science supports the flood...and while there is slightly more actual science in this one, there's still not really much.


Discovering Our Distant Ancestors | Out of Africa: https://bit.ly/3zCPTI7

Problems with a Global Flood: https://bit.ly/3BKl1IG

The Imperative Of Non-stationary Natural Law In Relation To Noah’s Flood (CRSQ Volume 27, 1990): https://bit.ly/3IKbh2w

Evidence for a Flood - Sediment layers suggest that 7,500 years ago Mediterranean water roared into the Black Sea: https://bit.ly/3c8IOCb

Yes, Noah's Flood May Have Happened, But Not Over the Whole Earth: https://bit.ly/3d8Bz2O

Igneous Rocks: https://bit.ly/3vJJutD

How do lava flows cool and how long does it take?: https://on.doi.gov/3SsVPw8

Sedimentary Rocks: https://bit.ly/3zzHiWN

Formation of Chalk Beds: http://bit.ly/2CN9RnU

What is chalk and how does it form? http://bit.ly/2CN9RnU

The Cretaceous Chalk in Southern England: http://bit.ly/31aRBPw

Mount St Helens As A Model For The Grand Canyon?: https://bit.ly/3dg8mD1

Talk Origins - Claim CH581.1: https://bit.ly/3bE4ET6

Still Life In Amber: Creatures That Met A Sticky End In Tree Resin Have Become Assets For Jewellers And Researchers Alike: https://bit.ly/3Q8gLah

The Oldest Known Well-Preserved Leather Shoe, from the Cave of Areni-1, Armenia: https://bit.ly/3dekF2J

Dazhdbog in Russian mythology: https://bit.ly/3PcRY3f

Worldwide Waters: Laurasian Flood Myths and Their Connections: https://bit.ly/3p2oAlP

Translating Genesis 3:15: https://bit.ly/3zFX42p

Original Video: https://bit.ly/3PSWh4w


Noah Left the Insects Behind 😢: 


How Coal and Copper Bells Disprove Evolution: 


Soft Tissue Playlist: 


LGBTQ Stuff Playlist: 


All my various links can be found here:




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