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Today, the Catholic version of a hip youth pastor explains to us how he knows that god is real.


We Are the Fleas on the Dog of the Universe!

Today, the Catholic version of a hip youth pastor explains to us how he knows that god is real. Sources: Edwin Grant Conklin: https://bit.ly/3PPawHK In Test Tubes, RNA Molecules Evolve Into a Tiny Ecosystem: https://bit.ly/37RD5nw Is there anything beyond the universe?: https://bit.ly/3OxSY1S Original Video: https://bit.ly/3cFaLXE All my various links can be found here: http://links.vicedrhino.com



Creationists don't have a model, much less a working model, of the universe. A model needs more than a few words with ambiguous meanings being strung together.


This video: https://youtu.be/femxJFszbo8?t=3347 contains a section in which a bunch of physicists and philosophers talk about whether the universe needs a cause.