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Frank Turek tries to explain why god makes people who will go to hell...and the best solution seems to be that god just loves Christians better than non-Christians.


God Loves Frank Turek More than Me?!?

Frank Turek tries to explain why god makes people who will go to hell...and the best solution seems to be that god just loves Christians better than non-Christians.



Yeah... I'm glad I wasn't watching this in public, because as soon as Frank started going off on 'but what's morality?!' and avoiding the question, I had enough whiplash that I automatically said, "FUCKING WHAT?!" I shouldn't be surprised, but I was. Just. Wow. And to me it sounded like that question was asked by a Christian, but he was just assuming it was an atheist asking the question. I hope the person asking the question saw through Turek's evasive bullshit.


You got the math wrong on the crime against an infinite being. Any non-infinite number over infinity is 0, not effectively 0 actual true to life half way between 1 and -1 0.


Nope, Rhino got it right. Strictly speaking, infinity isn't a number, so dividing by infinity isn't a coherent concept.