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Today, I discuss the death of Missus Rhino, and use it to talk about the problem of evil.

All my various links can be found here:



The Problem of Evil Hits Really Close to Home...

Today, I discuss the death of Missus Rhino, and use it to talk about the problem of evil. All my various links can be found here: http://links.vicedrhino.com



When I was a conservative Baptist minister, I was guilty of the easy platitudes that rang hollow even as I said them. Now as an atheist, I join you and your community to mourn the loss of your partner and love and am stunned by the unfairness of this loss. I hope you are protected from the callous and illogical remarks that can come your way and can bath in the support of those who appreciate your devotion to your immediate and your wider family.


Stay strong Rhino, Take your time, I will still be here when you feel ready to get back in the saddle.