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Today, Frank Turek explains the scientific way that he knows god is real.


If I Grant that it Works, it STILL Doesn't Work!

Today, Frank Turek explains the scientific way that he knows god is real. Sources: Causality in a quantum world: https://bit.ly/3nxvIr0 Scam Everlasting: After 25 Years, Debunked Faith Healer Still Preaching Debt Relief Scam: https://bit.ly/3EhT3T9 Research on Bouncing Cosmology: https://bit.ly/3EewWxf How Many Fundamental Constants Does It Take To Explain The Universe?: https://bit.ly/3za5LzJ Original Podcast: https://bit.ly/3tKbond All my various links can be found here: http://links.vicedrhino.com



Turek was so close to the possible truth. The cause of the universe may well be spaceless and timeless. Without matter or energy you cannot have space or time because there is nothing to use to measure space or time. It’s the personal part that screws him up. Read A Universe from Nothing.


Monotheism has a birthday - therefore the god they worship began to exist at that point.