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Today, Genesis Apologetics explains to us that evolution is problematic because the science keeps changing.  They'd much rather that science revert back to a time before the germ theory of disease was developed, I guess.


Science Proves that Science is Wrong!

Today, Genesis Apologetics explains to us that evolution is problematic because the science keeps changing. They'd much rather that science revert back to a time before the germ theory of disease was developed, I guess. Sources: A timeline of fossil discoveries: https://bit.ly/3yFoCCr Piltdown Man: Infamous Fake Fossil: https://bit.ly/30H8mTu The Role of "Nebraska Man" in the Creation-Evolution Debate: https://bit.ly/3t7ThY5 Nebraska Man: http://bit.ly/33fWMNl Similarities and Differences Between Homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens: https://bit.ly/3BCGhwp A Complete Skull from Dmanisi, Georgia, and the Evolutionary Biology of Early Homo: https://bit.ly/3BT1zq3 The Persistence of "Homo Erectus" Traits in Australian Aboriginal Crania: https://bit.ly/38ChGvl Homo erectus and Middle Pleistocene hominins: brain size, skull form, and species recognition: https://bit.ly/3DNgJhY Homo erectus - A Bigger, Smarter, Faster Hominin Lineage: https://go.nature.com/3zI3Weh AL 129-1 (The 1973 Knee): https://bit.ly/3kQxSig Original Video: https://bit.ly/2WLDxy0 All my various links can be found here: http://links.vicedrhino.com



I'm pretty sure that modern humans and H. erectus interbred in east Asia. Some H. erectus fossils and some modern east Asians have a trait called shovel-shaped incisors. This trait appears only in east Asia, and doesn't seem to have any benefit. That it should appear twice independently in the same region seems unlikely.


And of course, Christianity itself has never changed at all. Every Christian ever has believed the exact same things, and those are exactly the same things that Paul believed.