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Today, we listen to a YouTube video of a podcast of an article by Carl Weiland of Creation Ministries International about why he thinks the Earth looks young.


Meet Pando, one of the oldest organisms on Earth: https://bit.ly/3fMIz3M

Confirmed: Oldest Fragment of Early Earth is 4.4 Billion Years Old: https://bit.ly/2YKOWNf

How Science Figured Out the Age of Earth: https://bit.ly/3scd6fh

Why North America Won't Erode Away: https://bit.ly/3Cwu3H7

Eroding ages: https://bit.ly/3jAsFL2

Helium escape from the terrestrial atmosphere: The ion outflow mechanism: https://bit.ly/3xx5l5F

How Good are those Young-Earth Arguments: Hovind's 'Proofs': https://bit.ly/3ixLtLk

Under what conditions do fossils form?: https://bit.ly/3iyYXql

How can I become a fossil?: https://bbc.in/2UPuJUI

The Medusa effect: instantaneous fossilization: https://bit.ly/37x61h0

Coal Formation: https://bit.ly/2X0V8BR

The Sea's Missing Salt: https://bit.ly/3fO23ov

Ocean Salinities Reveal Strong Global Water Cycle Intensification During 1950 to 2000: https://bit.ly/3s2cbiB

Fifty-Year Trends in Global Ocean Salinities and Their Relationship to Broad-Scale Warming: https://bit.ly/3s2mEun

Evolution - June 1996: Salt in the sea: https://bit.ly/2yU8DHK

Rubidium-strontium dating: http://bit.ly/399oGOA

Isochron Dating: http://bit.ly/2s962pU

Fluctuations in Measured Radioactive Decay Rates inside a Modified Faraday Cage: https://go.nature.com/3qMZtlO

Is Decay Constant?: http://bit.ly/2tpnRSb

40Ar/36Ar analyses of historic lava flows: https://bit.ly/3bERAak

Radiogenic helium and argon in ultramafic inclusions from Hawaii: https://bit.ly/3dFeIXq

Conflicting ‘ages’ of Tertiary basalt and contained fossilised wood: https://bit.ly/3s5MuOb

Original Video: https://bit.ly/2VyPl63

Article that the video is based on: https://bit.ly/3Arxmh2


Evidence for Evolution - Dating Methods:




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