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Today, the guy from Freedom In God tries to explain why atheism is a religion.


Everything is a Religion!

Today, the guy from Freedom In God tries to explain why atheism is a religion. Sources: Ancient Rome: A Sourcebook: https://bit.ly/3xYhFwB Unknown God: https://bit.ly/2TWiMhr Saint Ignatius of Antioch: https://bit.ly/3jbWYJl What is Secular Humanism?: https://bit.ly/34itIc8 Why I Am Pro-Abortion, Not Just Pro-Choice: https://bit.ly/3zTutpP Enlil: https://bit.ly/35NXrtk Strong, James. Strong’s Concordance (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2001) H7307 Original Video: https://bit.ly/35RrG2C



I love this.


Strangely some Ancient Greeks did consider Christian's atheists. From well before Christianity many Greek philosopher's taught that the myths shouldn't be taken literally.