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Today, we discuss the ontological argument for god's existence, to see how it holds up.

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Is God the Perfect Fart?

Today, we discuss the ontological argument for god's existence, to see how it holds up. Sources: Ontological Arguments (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy): https://stanford.io/3iKEXBC Reasons Not to Believe – Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion: https://bit.ly/2S2yeId Cards: Rational Belief is Bad!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5jyNI4nLls



That art at the beginning is too perfect, made me laugh loud enough that it almost blew my cover listening to this at work.


The ontological is my favorite argument, because it is so silly. My least favorite argument is the moral, because I find metaethics to be completely riddled with equivocation.