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Today, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries HQ (RZIM HQ) explains to us that proof of god is just a weird thing to expect...


The origins of religion : evolved adaptation or by-product?: https://bit.ly/3ogyqz8

Religious concepts promote cooperation: https://go.nature.com/3tLNK8h

Complex societies evolved without belief in all-powerful deity: https://go.nature.com/2RX3oQI

Disbelieve it or not, ancient history suggests that atheism is as natural to humans as religion: https://bit.ly/33NbBcU

World's first space hotel Voyager Station scheduled to open in 2027: https://cnn.it/3ykzZ3J

Open Letter from the International Board of Directors of RZIM on the Investigation of Ravi Zacharias: https://bit.ly/2RoRAqK

Original Video: https://bit.ly/33GrGkJ



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