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Today, we listen to the Answers News crew pontificate on trans rights, the correct way to do science, and why Neanderthals are just humans.


AiG Doesn't Like Trans Rights, Venus, or Neanderthals!

Today, we listen to the Answers News crew pontificate on trans rights, the correct way to do science, and why Neanderthals are just humans. Sources: Between the (Gender) Lines: the Science of Transgender Identity: https://bit.ly/2PJd8Nr Rachel Levine: https://bit.ly/3qyrcX4 Focus on the Family's 'Daily Citizen' Still Banned by Twitter, Accused of 'Hateful Conduct': https://bit.ly/3t7qbGU Purported phosphine on Venus more likely to be ordinary sulfur dioxide: https://bit.ly/3rArDkS Phosphine gas in the cloud decks of Venus: https://go.nature.com/3qwQHrt At last, a generation of schoolchildren will grow up knowing it’s OK to be LGBT: https://bit.ly/3cn6WSS Original Video: https://bit.ly/3qwAZwz Cards: Ark Encounter tax evasion. Eric Hovind movie money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPJNX4BpjlY Ken Ham's New Church... You're Already a Member!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auE2nVfvjkc Team Pork Chop! (feat. Shannon Q and Viced Rhino) - (Ken) Ham & AiG News: https://youtu.be/YLBd0ppU0rw?t=554



I had a third thing to say, but I have forgotten it, so I won't say it.


If they don't like the banning of gay conversion therapy prepare to see them attack the UK over it. We are banning it "shortly" apparently.