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Today, Eric Hovind's guest Jay Seegert explains some biology to us...and he does such a bad job that he found my breaking point.


Worst Understanding of Biology I Have Ever Heard

Today, Eric Hovind's guest Jay Seegert explains some biology to us...and he does such a bad job that he found my breaking point. Sources: In U.S., Belief in Creationist View of Humans at New Low: http://bit.ly/2IqsJvr Darwin's finches: https://bit.ly/2PrllFW Evolution at different scales: micro to macro: https://bit.ly/3eaICXe rs28931573 RefSNP Report (ApoA1-Milano info): https://bit.ly/3edpCqS Amphibian - Evolution and classification: https://bit.ly/2MVjlVK Evolution of Air Breathing: Oxygen Homeostasis and the Transitions from Water to Land and Sky: https://bit.ly/3rki7lV The importance of the Neutral Theory in 1968 and 50 years on: https://bit.ly/3bjuucc The other side of the nearly neutral theory, evidence of slightly advantageous back-mutations: https://bit.ly/3kPg86t Neutral Theory of Evolution Challenged by Evidence for DNA Selection: https://bit.ly/3kRRu5o Reverse Transcription Basics: https://bit.ly/3bid7bC Original Video: https://bit.ly/3bZnzUJ



The evolutionist he quotes with regard to we should be dead 100 times over due to mutations is Alexy Kondrashov, from the University of Michigan. As you might expect, Kondrashov isn't stating that as some confirmation of creationism (YECs like John Sanford quotemine Kondrashov to support genetic entropy). What Kondrashov is saying is that given the simplest version of the classic mutation-selection model slightly deleterious mutations should accumulate in every genome to the point of extinction. But we see in the real world that they do not. So therefore the simple model requires amendments to explain this. And Kondrashov has tackled this issue extensively over his amazing career. This is just another "Even Darwin admitted the evolution of the eye was impossible!"


Is it just me being sleep deprived, or does the guy look like Topher Grace had a bad few years and decided to bleach his hair and buzz it short?