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Today, Allen from The Beat by Allen Parr will attempt to demonstrate god's existence to us.  Will he succeed?  You decide!


Actual Proof of God This Time, I Swear! (an attempt, at least)

Today, Allen from The Beat by Allen Parr will attempt to demonstrate god's existence to us. Will he succeed? You decide! Today, Allen from The Beat by Allen Parr will attempt to demonstrate god's existence to us. Will he succeed? You decide! Sources: Woman's Desire for Man: Genesis 3:16 Reconsidered (PDF): https://bit.ly/3r6sLvI Timeline of the Big Bang - The Big Bang and the Big Crunch: http://bit.ly/2Su2JWG As many as six billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy, according to new estimates: https://bit.ly/3j09ObB Astronomers were wrong about the number of galaxies in universe: https://bit.ly/2MjftgG How many stars are there in the Universe?: https://bit.ly/2MCHT56 British maternal mortality in the 19th and early 20th centuries: https://bit.ly/3aeogJ1 Original Video: https://bit.ly/3cy0j2b Local Elevator by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300012 Artist: http://incompetech.com/



I didn't know people said "Y'all" in South Canada.


These people really are oblivious or deceptive to keep brining up the same tired debunked materials over and over. I feel like I am trapped in groundhog day(the movie).