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I thought "why my girls are always nude? why not to draw a girl in a sexy dress?"

So, this is Lara Croft in her torn black dress from the Tokyo level in Tomb Raider Legend. 2006 game, if I remember correctly. (Am I old? I started from Tomb Raider II. I'm old.)

(Of course, I made a nude version too. Like, a modded game. :) )

Update: made a picture of a process, with different stages, if anyone interested in my drawing process.




I can say this: that’s pretty sick pistol - two tone, build in compensator, and other stuff. Love it!

Oleksiy Lipatov

I'm not an expert in guns, so usually I just use references. This pistol is from Angelina Jolie movie :)


I love this! Even though I prefer your girls to be nude, it's nice to see a popular character with a story. I can imagine a scenario surrounding this image.