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Hello everyone! I want to start off by thanking you again for joining my Patreon. I'm so happy you like my comic enough to want to support it monetarily.  

Unfortunately I've had some trouble lately with people abusing the system so I've decided to follow my friend's advice and charge patrons up front. That means starting next month payments will be made on the 1st of each month rather than the end of the month.  I'm doing this because I've had people joining as $5 patrons, reading all the updates, then changing their pledge to $1 immediately after to avoid full payment. Then next month they changed it back to $5 and repeated the pattern. Of course you're totally entitled to change or withdraw your pledge anytime you want to, but doing it in that particular way seems a little calculated. "Stealing" your way to content is not only disrespectful to me but also to the patrons who actually pay full price for access. I won't mention names, but I hope the responsible parties will rethink their actions in the future and not do this to other Patreon creators. 

I hope that this update in the payment schedule will solve the issue. Just to clarify, you can still change and withdraw your pledge anytime and you'll be receiving the same content as before, the only change is that you'll now be charged at the beginning of the month rather than the end.  

Thank you for understanding and happy reading!



Man, I used to have sooo many patrons like that before I changed to "charge upfront". This one person kept pledging 3$ then unpledging RIGHT before the payment was due, then re-pledging again next month, which was super fishy. I asked them about it and they said it was a mistake because they switched credit cards and that they were on the road atm but they would get it fixed asap - or unpledge until they could because they didn't want to take free content from me without paying. Then they did the exact same thing for another two months after that. I'm like okay, I can be understanding up to a point, but don't claim you got a new credit card three months in a row lmao. Some people are just more focused on what they can take than what they can give. I'm personally more than happy to support you and I really enjoy your content, I hope the "charge upfront" solves any issues you've had!

Aina Palm

Oh, wow. I can't believe they kept going even after getting called out. That's so crappy and unbelievably rude. I'm so glad there the is the charge upfront option! Thank you so much again for telling me about it!

Carrie The Face Palm

So I just signed up to pledge and I was surprised that I won’t be charged until August 1st. It’s so early in the month that I assumed I would go ahead and pay July’s pledge. At least I think that was the case with other accounts I have pledged to. Maybe it’s something you consider? I would gladly be willing to pay it

Aina Palm

Oh, I'm honestly also a little confused as to how it works. I will look into it. Thanks for the heads up!