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Miles Taylor has a soft heart; and he still has a heart to this day. He can't help but stare softly at the man leaning against the dining room hall as he eats, all while the gang sit in chairs far from their Mistress.
I truly do love them... still... Yet Miles had betrayed them by sleeping with the Master willingly. Or, had he? Is it really cheating when a player is unaware of the game itself?
The arm... As Miles eat, he notices that they had amputated Taewon's arm; a dead giveaway that this is truly him and not a look alike. It is a shiny silver gadget lined with gold; used to hold a cigarette as of now. Miles disapproves of him smoking, possibly damaging his health, and he's not hiding it; scowling while eating.
"I'm done," Miles announces quite coldly.
The gangster also stands up to leave, "So am I. Toodles."
"Misha, you have to show him around," the woman sitting on the dining table with her boots up scolds their leader.
"Tch... last time I checked, my job is to hunt down poor bítches and kill off rich ones. Not a tour guide," he grumbles at her, Miles is totally confused because he cannot understand Russian.
"Your job is to do what the Master says, so stop being a man with tiny díck and escort him," she says with an intimidating voice, giving Miles an idea of what they're talking about.
Misha puts out his cigarette on the skin of one of his gangsters, which doesn't hurt the guy at all, before walking towards Miles while eyeing the woman named Yasha.
"When a bullet comes to us, I will be the one to purposely push you in front of it," Misha spits at her. Of course they can't turn on each other, but one can radiate the rivalry between these two. The air was always cold and yet they‘re surrounded by flames, Miles notices. Yasha just smirks at the guest, unbothered.
"Bite me hard and suck my díck, you can't do shít Misha," she snorts.
"Grr… get up, Tsarina. We'll walk around the estate if your àss isn't too sore," Misha grumbles, glaring at Miles.
The latter holds down a smile because after all these years, a grumpy temperamental Taewon still hasn't changed even with a different name and lack of memories. It still makes him sad; but this moment of walking with him is very appreciated despite the other gangsters following them around.
"We have 3 sitting rooms, one for Schliemann rats, one for guests and the Master, and one for showing off trinkets from all around the world, mostly stolen. This room is haunted according to superstitions around the globe," Misha says, presenting the third lobby he mentioned where there are displays of ancient and traditional artifacts either auctioned off or stolen by the Schliemann. One notibly is a whole golden sarcophagus.
"Did you help steal them?" Miles asks, stepping into the room in awe. As he went ahead, Misha scans him top to bottom to try deciphering the reasons Master Farlan would be attracted to him. He seems to look like an average guy with curly hair.
"Yasha did, but trinkets isn't my job. I snatch humans, which I have one hundred percent success rate at. You are the evidence," he smugly says.
Miles looks at him and can't help but ask, "You lured me using someone. Who was it? The... white haired man?"
Jihun... I want to see him...
"Oh, old man Vanya?" Misha mocks the man they're referring to. They mostly tease the guy referring to him as old because of his hair. "He was just a lookout. But he got spotted by you so he tries to escape. You are just so dumb as to follow him to exactly where we can wack you."
So he is part of the gang. "Where is he? Can I- ... I want to go see him."
This only made Misha glare at him, his mood souring. "What the fúck do you want with my brother, you whóre?"
"Misha, don't be rude he is still the Master's," Yasha was the only one who could ever punch Misha in the gut as she did right now, approaching Miles while putting her hands on her hips. Her attire is quite gothic with accessories, but chic in terms of clothing. "You know Vanya?"
Miles is undoubtedly intimidated by her, who seems to be unbothered by the gang leader's curses. He lies, "He just looked like someone I know. I want to look at him again."
"Oh. Perfect to see music room, yes? Vanya is very good at piano even if a little deaf."
Music? I hope they gave Jihun new hearing aids... 
"You still didn't answer my question," Misha pulls Yasha back and faces Miles, scowling at him. "Vanya does not like meeting slúts like you."
What- Miles' hands flew up to slap the disrespectful and not to mention cheating Misha, however, his wrist was caught and the sudden attack on the gang leader made the others put their hands on their guns as a threat.
"Aww, did the little Mastersucker get hurt? Offended? Bunnies hop, is all I'm saying. Don't get hurt by the truth," Misha spits at him, expressing his clear dislike at the fact that he's in charge of Miles instead of doing real Mafia jobs.
Using her hands, Yasha chops his left hand off of Miles, "Enough, Misha and tell the others to stand by."
Miles holds onto his slightly stinging wrist, fighting the urge to cry because of what the man said. Not the insults, no. Just the reminder of what Taewon used to call him. All those variations... harsh but lovingly. Where has that gone, and how long until Miles gets that back?
"You think the Master will lay you off this job if you hurt him? You, and the whole group will be punished severely. I doubt the Master will favor your [temperamental àss] over the most valuable asset in the world."
Yasha grabs Miles' shoulder to lead him away from the room and the impulsive gang leader.
"I hate this job too but, I show you more rooms on route to music room, yes?" Yasha says to Miles. Now the men is split between those who is following Yasha and those who stayed with Misha back there.
"Yes, thank you..." Miles is focusing on nothing but is calmly being escorted by a more level headed Yasha. "Can I ask you something...?"
"Yes, but my English is not so good. I will be doing my best," she politely answers. Miles wishes Taewon can be like her for once.
"How long have you been here? Ta—Misha, too? Since when was he a gang leader?" He inquired during a nervous walk through the hallways.
Of course, they're surrounded by white walls lined by golden paint, decorated with carefully laden flowers which are replaced daily. Being in the Schliemann mansion brings you back to castles of the richest royals; yet occupied by the most gruesome gangsters.
Curious, are we? Yasha answers, "My brother was second hand to the Master years past. When Misha came, he was hollow person who don't know who he is. But, the way he fight... he accomplish many missions. He is cold hearted and kills for the Master without hesitation. Misha is very selfish."
Sounds like him, alright, Miles thought.
"He challenge my brother for the position of team leader,” Yasha adds without a hint of emotion to her voice. “To the death.”
Yet this made Miles snap his head at her. No... please don't tell me...
"My brother has lost. So, the Master executed him for failure." Miles still feels bad for her, but there was relief in the sense that Taewon didn't do it. Even though he may have killed a lot of people in the Mafia's command, Yasha's brother would be just cruel.
"I'm sorry," Miles apologizes impulsively.
Yasha raises her eyebrow, "Why sorry? You are not the one who kill him."
Just... sorry. It's strange how Yasha seemed to be amused that this, according to her nonchalant expression. "Is that why you hate Misha?"
"No. My brother lost. That is the consequence. It was fair fight." Yasha held her head high, a smile on her lips. "I hate Misha because he is like a child. Always temper tantrum, very angry... like Chihuahua, but uglier."
Miles can't help but snort, yet he is still very weirded out. Is this the Schliemann? Cold hearted gangsters who are loyal to their Master? Is this what the Levough wanted to create with Carvalle? It seemed so; Yasha sounds like the fully trained cold-hearted assassin Carvalle tried so hard to create.
"This is the music room," Yasha announces, stopping in front of grand double doors. "Our team sometimes come here to listen to Vanya's music. He always in here, even for sleep. Old man Vanya likes music so much."
As much as Miles is nervous and excited to see him, he can't help but smile at Jihun's love for the music room. If he is Old man Vanya, what am I, haha...
Miles looks at Yasha and the few gangsters who followed them yet kept a distance, before the woman opens one door for him. Almost immediately, he can hear single notes being slowly tuned from the grand piano, as if a curious child sat in front of it.
Miles held in a gasp at the sight of a man so out of place in the Mafia world. A man wearing a light blue sweater with a plain collared shirt underneath, clean white slacks indicating he doesn't get field work. His hair is black at the tips, the length neglected and left to grow without any care. The Old Man nickname seemed to make sense from his pale and thin white hair on his scalp. His eyes, still dark; partially covered by obvious white lashes. Those eyes look up and met the intruder's, which made Miles slightly step back.
"Vanya, Master Farlan's new Mistress wants to see you. This one thinks you look like someone he knows," Yasha cheerfully greets, very different from her earlier attitude. She nonchalantly sits on the grand piano's closed outer lid, crossing her legs. Yasha seems to like Vanya very much.
Yet the man's expression seemed to not have changed, only his fingers stopped playing.
"Jihun...?" Miles was barely audible in approaching the man on the piano, who keeps staring at him like an empty shell of a human. Louder he calls out, "Uhm... Vanya?"
This is really him… my Jihun! He decided to use sign language to say, "Hello. How are you?"
The man finally changed his expression of indifference, and he seemed to be fascinated at Miles' silent words. So did Yasha who watches carefully as Miles steps closer, enough to even see the gentle breaths this gentle man is exhaling.
Vanya stares at Miles' fingers, his own twitching up to touch them. But, he didn't, and instead turns towards the piano to play yet again.
Oh. Of course. Miles expected this, and he kept a happy though very forced smile with tears pooling in his deceitful eyes. He smiles at Yasha, "He does look like someone I know. Someone..." He looks back at his Jihun, "... special. Does he talk to you?"
"Vanya do not talk unless it is Misha," Yasha says, "I like him. Stays silent and unmoving no matter what you say and do. However, the boys cannot bully him because little boy Misha beats them up."
That made Miles smile through the pain. They still love each other at least. Jihun... I'm very happy you're safe and doing what you enjoy. I just wish... your hair... I wish...
Speaking of beating someone up, Misha burst through both open doors and stomped towards them. His shirt is a lot more open because it's a habit of his to undress or at least loosen clothing when mad.
"Why did you bring this slút to Vanya? He could seduce him and give an STD," he scolds his comrade, Yasha.
Who only rolls her eyes, very much used to this man's temper. "Do you think I'd be here when he does that? Common sense, you [dense fishbait]."
Miles still doesn't know what they're talking about. But, since he's still holding a grudge, he ignores the gang leader and calls onto Vanya yet again. Yasha stops the male leader from interfering as Miles signs, Do you know River Flows in You? Can I play with you too?
While the white haired man stares at his hands, switching from Miles' face to his fingers, Misha scoffs. "What the fúck are you doing, stupid Tsarina? Vanya doesn't like anyon-"
All of a sudden, the man on the piano scoots a little to the side of the chair and drops one hand, expecting Miles to take that side. The gangsters' eyes bulged wide as their Leader's tongue was figuratively cut off, all watching Miles who happily sits beside their hermit comrade.
"What... happened?" They whisper among each other.
"Did Vanya just...?"
"Aww, I wanna play with Vanya."
"The leader's so red right now..."
"Yeah, looking like you when he talks to your gay áss."
"Hey, I'm not gay. There's just something hot about leader losing his shít."
"What the holy fúck is this shít?!" Misha burst out while Yasha is holding down a laugh, watching the Master's concubine and Misha’s aloof brother play a song together as if they're newly introduced playmates.
One of the gangsters moaned, "See, I told you it's sexy."
"Comrade, you like it in the butt, no?"
Meanwhile, Yasha finds great pleasure in pissing off their great leader. "Aww, very nice! Vanya welcomes you, Miles. No one else get to do that with him. Not even Misha.”
Miles smiles happily at her, giving a slight side-eye to Taewon. Though him and Jihun are sitting half a feet apart, too far for their torn hearts to bond yet again, this moment with him is enough after all the pain he's been through.
Miles signs with his free hand, "Do you want to eat ice cream with me?"
Vanya stops playing and looks at those fingers, though idle, he seems to be thinking about it. Until now, he's still such an enigma.
"What are you saying to him, slút-bítch?" Misha crosses his arms and glares at them hard, possessive over his brother as usual.
"Something that I'll never tell a rude one like you. Vanya is nicer and more handsome," Miles answers without even looking at him, the last part not necessarily true since they both have different kinds of beauty. Yasha and the gangsters share looks because they somewhat grew a little respect for this one standing up to their hotheaded leader.
No one had ever talked to Misha like this except for Yasha, but that itself is a big deal. Misha cannot harm Miles because he belongs to the Master. And the more the gang leader gets pissed off, the more his female rival gets amused and admires Miles even more.
Vanya however, rejects the ice cream offer and continues to play piano. Miles looks at his hands, wondering if there's something he could do to get closer to his precious Jihun. Maybe this is where he will start. This man has been the gateway for Taewon to interact with Miles back then; he enabled Taewon's feelings back then.
Dinosaurs. Miles tries to catch his attention again, but a gangster opened the door to announce something. "The Master is home and he requests for Miles Taylor!"
"He's home. He's looking for you, Tsarina," Misha grumbles and finally gets to grab Miles by the arm and pull him away from the piano, away from his brother.
Miles doesn't seem to like that very much. "Let go!" No... I don't want to leave Jihun yet!
Yasha sighs at the leader's unnecessary handling, "Misha, calm dow-"
"Shut up, woman!" Misha angrily states as he pulls Miles to the point of him tripping which trying to stay back.
"No! We have to finish the song!" Miles protests, attempting to pull himself away.
Misha suddenly pulls Miles harshly, their faces now in close proximity. Miles gets flustered at this even if he's trying to get away. Misha maliciously smirks, "The Master's orders are above yours, whóre. He seems to need a Fleshlight right now, so-"
This time, Miles was successful. A loud smack can be heard all over the room, even silencing the soft piano that came from the other brother. Almost everyone's mouths were open in shock, but the gangsters aren't as alert right now because they still carry some level of respect for the only one who stands up to Misha's behavior. Earlier, Miles was a threat; now they see him as a victim.
The perpetrator, the almighty Misha who thought he was invincible, was so shocked at the sting on his face that he froze. It was enough for Miles to pull his wrist away and, being upset and carrying the pain of Misha's words, is able to run away and exit the music room.
Silence follows the loud closing of the door. No one, out of 21 gangsters excluding the two leaders, dared to utter a word. Miles really caught Misha off guard. The hit wasn't painful, but being bítch slapped when he's supposed to be the fearsome leader hurts.
Even Vanya stares at the door, his expression unreadable as he tries to comprehend the mysterious but friendly man who played piano with him and slapped his brother. Everyone had different opinions, but all are getting more curious about Miles.
Miles backtracked and ran towards the Master bedroom where he might feel safer, but on the way he passed by the Master's office which his name was suddenly called out.
Pausing in the middle of the hallway, Miles hesitates on showing Farlan his crying face. Yet he was too late on running away from him, because the Master exits his office accompanied by one guard.
"Miles? Why isn't anyone escorting you, Misha is supposed to watch you?"
Will it be disrespectful if I just walk away? Miles is scared, but he still wipes his tears away and slowly turns around to face Farlan. Unfortunately, even though his hands cleaned his cheeks, some still managed to slip down. I miss my boys. What happened with my boys?
"Miles... what happened?" Farlan approaches him and offers a hug, taking Miles into his arms and allowing him to silently cry against him. "Did someone hurt you? Tell me, and I will take care of it."
"No! No one did-"
"Master!" Someone calls out from behind, and since it was Yasha, Miles widens his eyes and fear strikes his heart. "I come to apologize in Misha's place."
"Misha?" Farlan says, unhappy at the context.
"Wait, Farlan no-"
"Did he do this to you, Miles?" Farlan didn't allow him to speak and so did Miles' sudden anxiety. The Master asks Yasha, "What did he do to my Lisichka?"
"Verbally berated him. Seemed to forget that Miles is not one of his men," Yasha reports.
Farlan indeed sounds angry, terrifying even since he has the power and will to eliminate even his second hand man, as he did to Yasha's brother. "Bring him to me. I said to take care of Miles, and he dares-!"
"Farlan, no listen!" Miles doesn't want Taewon to get punished, or possibly killed by an unhappy and seemingly possessive Farlan Schliemann. In a desperate attempt to stop him, Miles forces Farlan to face him and holds onto his face, putting their heads together in an intimate distance. Miles holds onto him quite intimately, even the Master's harsh gaze has changed.
"Please don't. Don't hurt anyone. We just had an argument, I swear! I'm not... I'm not crying because of him... I'm..." Farlan gently holds Miles' wrist to calm down his crying treasure. "I'm crying b-... because... they scared me! I was never hurt, you know I'm scared of your Mafia!"
"Yasha said you were berated..." Farlan emotionlessly states, although his actions show concern. He's still mad at the man he entrusted Miles to.
"I berated him, too! It was banter! We fought a little bit, I called him an ásshole! He didn't hurt me, this whole thing is just scaring me!" Miles fakes vulnerability, although his fear is very much real. He does not want to put Taewon in danger.
Speaking of, Yasha had successfully brought Misha to the hallways where he must face the Master. Miles stares at him and Vanya in shock, and moreso when Farlan turns away from Miles and faces them with a merciless glare. Vanya followed them after Yasha mentioned that his brother will be punished.
And a harsh punishment, it seems. "Misha. Do you think an apology is enough for making my Lisichka upset?"
Miles holds onto Farlan's white suit, eyes wide in trying to search for ways to prevent any punishment from taking place.
"It is not enough, Master Farlan," Misha admits, avoiding their gaze. Vanya looks at him, eyebrows lowered the tiniest bit indicating a little concern for his brother.
Jihun... This made Miles panic even more. I can't let Farlan do anything to them!
"Of course it is not!" Farlan yells at them, echoing throughout the hallways and even making Vanya flinch because of its absurd volume. Worse is when his hand moves to the opposite side of his waist where a gun is most likely stored. "I entrust you to him for one day and he comes to me crying?! You--"
Miles decides to move a gamepiece, choose an action, cast a spell. He decides to play the game as one would, detached from reality and detached from who he really is. He disrespectfully grabs Farlan's wrist and pulls the man back, the other hand flying up to his neck. There, in the presence of some guards, a couple of gangsters, and the brothers themselves, Miles steals the Master's attention by stealing a kiss.
A kiss which is meant to knock off Farlan's train of thought, as it successfully did. Miles' soft lips made Farlan melt, and his anger dissipate like passing rain. The hand reaching for a gun releases and goes up to Miles instead. Everyone, especially the brothers, had their eyes wide open. Miles was still a concubine that isn't equal to the Master, they think. So he wouldn't be allowed to interrupt him like this, right?
After ensuring that the Master's breath is slower than ten seconds before, Miles pulls away while remaining an intimate distance. "I forgive them. Please don't hurt them. I will be less afraid of you and more willing to serve you... if you don't treat your men badly."
Does he want to be killed instead?! Yasha herself thinks, watching Misha's shocked expression and surprisingly, Vanya, out of all people, has his eyes wide open as well.
Miles' words seemed more like a demand rather than a request. But somehow, the Master is too smitten by Miles that he ends up smiling, before pecking him on the lips once more. Finally facing the gangsters he commands, "Well... he has forgiven you. Get out of my sight until I fully cool down."
The Master's eyes were different; definitely in a better mood. Miles couldn't meet the Brothers' eyes, watching the floor intently as Farlan holds onto his waist and even kisses his head softly. This image of the Master scares the gangster even more than the punishment.
Vanya's expression goes back into indifference, and he grabs his younger brother's hand and pulls him away from the scene, walking a little faster than what he was used to. Miles could only look at them when they're walking away. He vows, One day... I'll be yours again, boys. I'll never leave this Mafia without you, this time alive.



I honestly love your books so much. I was like imma not do it and then I was like you know what NO I will pay you for this cause these are master pieces.


I love your writing style so much it’s addicting Dx