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Hopefully people had fun with my April Fool's story, The Stacked Deck, which I didn't want to tell anyone about in advance, because I wanted to be sure to get it done. Also, for those of you who read the story, I made a small correction to the cards in one of the later hands and that's in the post, but not the PDF. (It'll also be corrected when the story goes live on public sites in, oh, six months or so.) The most fun about the story? I have a deck of cards on my desk that I use for a lot of things. I used it for this, so I had no idea how long the story was going to go on.

The next thing coming is Breakpoint 15. I'd been hoping to have it out today, but ended up getting roped into a professional phone call that was pitched as "five minutes of your time" at the start and clocked in a close to four hours at the end of it (but at least came with a paycheck attached to it for eating up my day). So... tomorrow? I hope?

I did post a poll for those of you who are Selectors and right now, it looks like Morgana's Gift and Captains' Day are tied in the lead, with Threadbinders just a little bit behind. You have until Monday to vote, Selectors, and whatever wins will get a chapter on Friday.

I have to drive a friend to the airport early tomorrow morning, so that means crashing early tonight and attempting to break my sleep cycle for a bit, but from then on out, I have like a week and a half where basically everyone I know is out of town, so it'll be nose to the grindstone, I think. We'll see how it goes.

And, as always, we wrap by talking about what's coming to public sites over the next month or so: 4/6 - A Pack Of His Own 6, 4/13 - QT2:14, 4/20 - QT2:15, 4/27 - Before The Storm 9, QT:PT 15, 5/4 - Pack 7, Amor Ex Machina 2.


Admiral Ale

Don't know the weather out there, but from what I've read, Stay away from US 1. As always STAY SAFE.


I have a question anyone can answer what is captains day is it a new series I can't find it in the collections thanks. Also ad ale thanks for your reply on my other comment