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Chase was asking me about how I render panels but tbh a majority of it comes more from the type of filters I put over them to get the desired lighting effect and very often the shading on the character itself is pretty general!! 

Obviously for more dramatic/specific scenes like rim lighting it won't be as general but I thought I would put the PSD I sent to her here for you too in case it might be of use to you :) I know most people use CSP but you should be able to open this PSD in there. 

Also I included the instructions I sent for the test for my coloring assistants, for the average/basic panel it takes me 2-3 minutes to shade it! the rest is just a smoke screen LOL 

The most important elements are  1. Line brush  2. Radial Gradient tool 3. Watercolor Mixture Brush 4. Splatter brush 

Here are some links to the video process of shading those Nyra/Dendro panels :) 

Are there any other episodes/panels that you'd like to see a more elaborate deconstruction of to explain how I did them? :o 

Also here are some links to brushes I used (some are exclusive to a photoshop license so not listed here) 




This is such a cool resource, thank you for this post!! I loved looking through all the psd layers 💖