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Is it cheating?

  • Yes, kissing another woman is cheating 7
  • No, kissing another woman is not cheating 4
  • Kissing another woman is fine, but kissing another man is cheating 9
  • Kissing anyone else is cheating 18
  • Kissing anyone is not cheating 7
  • Other 7
  • 2019-02-25
  • 52 votes
{'title': 'Is it cheating?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, kissing another woman is cheating', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'No, kissing another woman is not cheating', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Kissing another woman is fine, but kissing another man is cheating', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Kissing anyone else is cheating', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Kissing anyone is not cheating', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Other', 'votes': 7}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 25, 17, 30, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 52}


Does gender play a role in what's considered cheating or not? 

I'm curious gentlemen, would you consider it cheating if your gf or wife kissed another woman? (assuming you think kissing is a form of cheating)

I understand that the circumstances surrounding the kiss might be important, but if you consider her kissing a woman vs. a man; is one more acceptable than the other to you in terms of cheating? 



A sexual kiss with intent to stimulate I would say is cheating whether it be with a man or woman, however for me, here is the rub, her kissing a man would cause jealousy but kissing a woman would get me hot a hell


My wife is bisexual. I knew that coming into the relationship. She was very open about her previous relationships and her orientation. A few years ago, she asked me how I would feel about her finding a girlfriend on the side. Nothing serious. Just looking for something from a woman that I, biologically and emotionally, couldn't/didn't supply. We talked about it for a while. No rush. And we came up with some ground rules: No guys. No lying or hiding anything. Open communication, although only as far as either of us was comfortable with. Make very sure of the women she got involved with, including asking about STIs. (I had a very, very close cousin who died of AIDS, back when it was still considered "gay cancer," so that's a particular thing with me.) And make sure that family time with our son remained a priority. Beyond that, she is free to pursue girlfriends as she wishes. And she has. She's dated a couple of women, including a lesbian couple. I've met some of them. Others, I haven't. It's worked out just fine, so long as she is willing to accept my boundaries and I am willing to respect her autonomy and as much privacy as she wants. Right now, she's not into it so much as her schedule became a little overwhelming, but she knows I trust her and respect her. And I know that, regardless of our mono/poly relationship, I'm her primary and am the one she'll keep coming home to. And some nights, I get our bed to myself, which is a nice side-benefit on occasion. ;) Relationships based on trust, openness and understanding tend to work. Ours has for over 10 years. (FTR, if I ever wanted to pursue a relationship with another man, I'm free to do so under the same boundaries. It's just not my thing. And that's fine, too.)


I think that's why I asked this question. It seems (to me at least) that men can be tolerant of women kissing women (maybe because it's stimulating to them) more than they would be tolerant of their woman kissing another man.


Thanks Rhinox for sharing that personal story. I'm glad you and your wife have discovered what works for you both. And that you get to enjoy your big bed alone sometimes 😜😈👍 I agree with you. I think it really comes down to trust and communication in a relationship. If you're both okay with something, (even if it's not for everyone else) then it's not cheating. But if you're lying and hiding because you know it will hurt your partner, then that might be considered cheating.