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Today, November 22nd, marks exactly one year since the release of the very first episode of Pururun! Shizuku-chan.

It's been quite a journey, and one we are quite happy to have taken as a team. This series has become the new staple of the group, taking the mantle from Hamtaro, which honestly it was not the objective but... here we are.

Although we picked it up on a whim, Pururun! Shizuku-chan turned out to be a really fun series both from a script point-of-view to how relatively easy it is to translate than other series we have worked on besides Hamtaro.

On this whole year, we have managed to release 31 episodes, more than half of a season, roughly 2.5 episodes per month. Considering the little break we took during summer, it seems to be quite a good pace we have going on here. We are quite proud of it.

We will probably discuss this further on the year's end report, but the fact that this project is André's "one-man army" project has probably sped up the releases considerably. However, later on it was clear that there was need for a QC team and we are quite happy with the help we receive from our two QC'ers: Lobs and PacmansPark.

And that leads us to the main reason we decided to celebrate this milestone:

-Episodes 1-14, which were released without a quality check, have a lot of grammar mistakes and other minor typesetting bugs fixed.
-Episodes 1-29 have been modified to include the new effect for Shizuku's magic if it was present on the episode.
-MP4 versions of the episodes, available for streaming in onedrive, have been re-encoded in a higher quality.
-All links (both here and on tumblr) have been updated to this "v2", the previous links are unavailable but you can go back to each post and access the new link easily. For convinience, here is a link to the folder with all the subbed episodes so far: Watch Pururun! Shizuku-chan.

Finally, we want to thank Lobs for the adorable and wonderful art they gifted us to celebrate this year! You can follow them at Twitter (@lobsylobs) or Tumblr (lobslobslobs) as well as in our own discord server where we discuss a lot of Shizuku.

Let's continue working hard and enjoying this precious anime!

Thank you for your continuous support, it would not be possible to do what we do without you.



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