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And here we go with the main dish for Hamtaro and Cappy's birthday!

The Number&Shapes Special educational video has been available for quite a long time now, but sadly the team has been delaying working on it for far too long.

And it is here now!

However, there's a catch. This was kind of a rushed work, one of the reasons this was delayed for so long was because the team wanted to make the "best" version possible, add a bunch of effects here and there and overall make it special.

But we didn't have the time to make it work properly. The raw used, too, has a few glitches, low resolution and even ends up abruptly during the last commercial.

We have purchased a DVD copy of the special to release, eventually, a better version; but this is what's available for now.

The special educational video was super fun though, and we are excited to work on the other specials (there's two Hiragana ones) eventually.

Fow now, please enjoy!


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