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It is! Early access links to the deluxe version will be getting sent out to those of you at fan-favorite and higher as soon as I'm done posting this. Early access to the normal version will go out to mid-carders in a week, then it will be publicly available a week after that.

I have to admit... Day 2 is a bit slow, especially at the beginning. As I've mentioned, this is a huge info dump for the MCs, but there's a few more characters introduced and more of what is to come is set up so you can expect things to pick up a bit with Day 3.

That won't be for a while though, because next on the to-do list is the Prologue for Masters of the Ring (NSFW season 2).

All the assets I had ready for it were lost in the hard drive debacle, so it's back to pre-production I go. I'll need to remake the 5 characters it focuses heavily on, as well as the location a lot of it is going to take place in. There's even more than that I have to make, but I think you get the point... I have a lot of shit to do before I can even start re-writing what I lost.

I'll be posting some preview pics as I get work done, and I think another one-off is in order since it'll be a while before the prologue sees the light of day. I'll have to check my idea list to see what I have in the hopper, then I'll probably put up a poll to determine what it will be.

Right now, I'm going to take a bit of a break and then probably get to work on remaking some characters. See you in the next update and hope you enjoy Day 2 of Masters of the Island!


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