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Just a quick update this time, not because there's no progress, but because there isn't a lot of progress that is worth talking about. Just finished up the sexy-time scene that happens at the end of the notorious "big scene" which took a while due to the fact that it takes quite a bit longer to render animations in hs2 than it did in kk and also because it was actually a "split" scene, so it was basically two different hubba-hubba scenes in one.

The first day still isn't quite over yet, though. I still have some wrapping up to do and a few more scenes to render. I have most of it written, but I realized I still need to add another little dialogue between two characters to conclude a little incident that happened during the previous scene.

Most of it is just dialogue and now that I'm thinking about it, I might rewrite part of one scene where it gets a bit too serious, though the subject matter itself is fairly serious, so... we'll see. Might just need to alter a line or two that gets a bit dark.

Besides that, I should have this first day finished by the next update, so until then...

See ya!


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