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Work is moving along fairly well on the big "final" scene of the first day. I've added around an additional 150 images since the last update, which doesn't seem like much, but due to various reasons, it takes a bit longer to produce each image, though each one is now assigned to cover 2 to 3 lines of dialogue on average instead of 1 like in the NSFW. That means those 150 images represent a decent amount of story telling.

And that's what this big scene is. This isn't some epic orgy or anything (and my current computer wouldn't be able to handle something like that anyway), it's basically a scene that introduces a lot of characters that will be interacting with the MCs (some more than others), as well as setting up a lot of scenes to come.

I'm, of course, interspersing plenty of fan service and bit of good old fashioned t&a to liven up the large amount of exposition-esque content in the scene. Coming up with the dialogue for this scene has led to a lot of ideas that should have pretty fun payout and will hopefully having you looking forward to seeing them play out.

I've just started what will be the last "meet and greet" scene before an offical "sexy time" scene, but I still have a scene or two after that to go until I finish this sequence, and then a couple of more before the day comes to an end. I still plan on having a second day done before I release the first part of Masters of the Island, so there's still a ways to go, but for now everything is going pretty smoothly. Day 2 will require more asset creation and location scouting, so that will slow things down but it won't be anything compared to what needed to be created to get the first day done.

I think I need to make 6 more characters and come up with at least that many more locations (unless I can find another key location like the mansion). I also have nothing written for day two, but I know the main beats I need to hit.

Oh... I almost forgot... I came up with a new "type" of scene, the first of which will be available during the big scene in day 1. I say "available" because you'll be able to opt out of them. I think I'm going to try to make it so you can blindly opt out of all of them, blindly opt into all of them, or decide on a case-by-case basis.

Basically these scenes will tell parts of the story that neither MC is involved in. There's already a few minor parts already that are shows, but they're just quick lead-in or lead-outs of scenes involving one or both of the MCs. These optional scenes will almost always be sexy-time type scenes involving other characters (though not necessarily actual sex scenes).

Let me give you a quick example of one of the first ones you'll run across. The fab four (the two MCs, Lilith, and Samantha), will be taking a photography class that's taught by Rebecca. For a homework assignment, they'll be tasked with taking photos of someone, and since this is Rebecca we're talking about, I'm sure you can guess which direction the photoshoots will go in.

You'll see each of the MCs doing their shoots as part of the main story, but normally you wouldn't see Lilith or Sam's. Enter the optional scenes! If you choose, you can see who Lil and Sam partnered up with and how their shoots go. If you'd rather not see them having interactions with people other than the MCs, you don't have to. Simple as that.

It's not an alternate reality, because their shoots will happen whether you see them or not, but this way at least you have some agency in how much non-mc content you want to see.

Okay... this got waaaay longer than I expected, so I'll just say that for those of you at mid-carder and higher, I'll be posting some preview pics from the different scenes I've been working on the last few days. I'll try to choose ones that are interesting to look at without giving too much of what's going on away.

Okay! That's all for now... I'll be back again in a few with the next update!


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