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I finished the first of three class scenes for the first day, and I've written several more first passes at some scenes down the line. Things are still evolving as they go, as usual, since I'm still writing most of the story on the fly. I know certain story beats I want to hit, but getting there is a constantly evolving process.

I've been finding that while posing a scene or rewriting something I haven't fully fleshed out, I'll all the sudden have an idea for a sexy scene somewhere down the road and I'll quickly either write a bare bones version of it or just jot the general idea down to be revisited at a later time. This kind of helps in motivating me to push through the more "boring" things to pose because I know something sexy is at the end of the rainbow.

I'm trying to hold myself back and not go too far to quickly, as I want a lot of the early parts of this story to be all about the tease of things to come. That being said, this IS the world of The NSFW, so while I might be holding back on the throttle, the car is just kinda naturally cruising along already. Basically, instead of slowing building from a 1 to a 10 on the sexy-time scale, the needle almost instantly jumps to a 5, then will move up to a 6 or 7 and hold there for quite a while.

There's a lot of different angles to work with a lot of different people, though I'm going to focus on a handful of characters to begin with. That's not to say that the other characters you see won't be getting naughty along with the others, but they'll be holding at that 6 to 7 mark until the story gives me a reason to go further.

I've also come up with an idea for one-offs for this story that I'm pretty happy with. For the most part, this game is going to be shown (or told) from the perspective of one of the two MCs. There are small exceptions of a bit of exposition shown that they aren't from their perspective, but those will be few and far between.

That being said, there are going to be ideas for scenes I come up with that don't involve either MC. Just things that they wouldn't have been around for. Those are the scenes that will encompass the Masters of the Island one-offs. This means when the idea eludes to something happening that the MCs weren't going to be part of, I can make a one-off showing it instead of leaving it in the "well... what happened at the Dildos and Dragons game night?" limbo.

There's not a Dildos and Dragons scene, by the way. That was just a stupid example... or was it?!


It was. Anyway, there's only been one real character change of any significance lately, so... let's take a look at Renata's new hair:

Her old style was going to be problematic to work with (due to it being an accessory instead of actual hair), so it had to go! I actually like this new style quite a bit because the red highlights throughout are very "La Roja" and she now gives off a kind of "is there another way I could pay..." vibe. That might be the robe, though.

My next big hurdle (besides finding maps and then lighting them for the next two class scenes) is the final scene of the day. It involves a lot of characters, which I will have to split into a lot of different areas, so I need to find and light thouse. Besides that, though, it also involves characters I haven't made yet.

I don't know the full roster yet, but you can expect to see models coming for Jacky and Sarah (for sure), their husbands (maybe), and possibly Clara and Big Mama Bernice as well. I have no clue what I'm going to do for Bernie's hair if I do make her... bleorg.

I think I've rambled long enough for today, so I'll be back in a few days with the next update and I'll try to have a new character or two for you to check out!


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