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Here we are again with another contest! The prize this time is a familiar one: You get to pick a character you'd like to see me do a photoshoot for, and I'll do the rest. You can also suggest a theme or outfit or a situation and as long as it's not against the spirit of the character (or of the world of the NSFW in general), I'll do my best to incorporate it.

There's a bit of spin this time, though: You can pick if you'd like the photoshoot to be done in KK (the engine NSFW is done in) or HS (the engine the spin-off is being done in). I don't have every character made in HS yet (not even close, actually), so the current selection pool is a bit thin, but I can probably make a character I haven't yet as long as I expect them to make an appearance in the spin-off. And one last caveat: if you do choose a character from the spin-off, it can't be one of the new faces. I know I've had some of them show some skin, but I don't want to go too far with it before it's officially happened in the game, especially when it comes to them interacting with other characters before I've even had any relationships established.

Now that that's out the way, I'll quickly go over the very few rules:

1. You get one guess per day.

2. Post your guess in the comments of that day's hint (this post is considered the first hint, so post your guess for today below).

3. This contest is being done on two different sites, and if multiple people guess correctly on the same day, the one with the earlier time stamp will be the winner.

That's about covers it, I think. Onto the question!

I don't have a real interesting question to ask you this time, so we'll just go with an old reliable: What movie am I thinking of?

In the spirit of all the previous contests, your first hint today will be all but worthless and tell you practically nothing.

Hint #1:

I'm looking for the name of a movie and... it's among my favorites.

That's it. That's all you get today.

Post your guess in the comments below (remember: only one guess per person per day). Good luck!



My guess is "The Wrestler" with Mickey Rourke from 2008


The thing (1982)

NSFW Games

I actually watched that for the first time less than six months ago. Loved it, but it's not what I'm looking for this time.


Rocky (1976)

NSFW Games

Can you believe that Stallone doesn't have the rights to Rocky? Anyway, not Rocky I'm looking for.


going left field here Mulan (1998)?

NSFW Games

I am a Disney fan... well... not new Disney, but anyway... sadly Mulan isn't going to make a winner out of you.