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I went ahead and started working on finishing up the Christmas special and... I still don't like it. That being said, I'm going to work on getting the last shots I'm going to do for it and just go ahead and put it together and release it to you all. There is going to only be the sharing path, however. Sorry to those on the non-sharing path, but I've expressed how unhappy I was with that path, and you can imagine how bad it must have been if I'm not even happy with the path I thought was better!

I think the problem I have with it is that it's just sex, sex, sex, and in the end it feels disjointed and... meh. I feel like I need to put it behind me and get to work on Week 10. At least then I'll be back in familiar territory... I know how a show week should be paced.

I'm feeling much better and getting work done, so hopefully I'll have the Christmas not-so-special done by the next time I have an update for you in a few days!


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