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I have gotten a new video editing program to test out, so I went back and completely finished up day 4. The first scene of day 5 is also in the bag, and I just finished writing the second scene, which is a bit more serious, but moves along fairly quickly so as not to linger on the downer bits.

Did I do anything else? Hmmm.... oh yeah! The second part of the Hardcore one-off is now live for those of you Fan-Favorite and higher! Links will be available in all the normal places that links live!

I may take a day to myself here because I've spent quite a bit of time making sure I could get Hardcore pt. 2 done in a reasonable amount of time... which was made more difficult by not having my lighting settings correct to begin so I had to redo the first 55 images... oops!

Anyway, the superfights are still happening on the Discord server, so please check those out if you haven't, and if you have any ideas for fight modifiers, please drop them in the modifier suggestion thread!

Back in a few with the next update!


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