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Holy crap, it took forever for that "just adding the bgm and sounds, etc." to get done! Waaaay longer than I had expected and I think I know the reason...

The first half of Week 9.5 is currently the largest release in terms of file size to date. Apparently my little "experiment" episode where I just show a bit of what happens between the weeks has ballooned into something much larger than I thought. And yet, in terms of progress, it seems to be going faster than a normal week due to not having to plot out and pose the matches.

One thing I'll say about this is that some of the animations are a bit jankier than I usually manage to pull off. This has to do with using some newer animations that don't quite sync up as well with each other, and also occasionally because of the number of animations being shown in one shot. I believe the biggest one has 17 people in it and I just couldn't get them all to line up. Hopefully it won't be too distracting, but you're definitely going to see a few more "studders" than usual.

I really hope you all like what's there, and I'll get to work on the second half soon. Links will be going out shortly to Fan-Favorites and higher, Mid-Carders will get them in a week, and everyone else the week after that.

Be back in a few days with the next progress update!


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