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I held off on posting this because I was hoping to have a bit more to say when I did, but that isn't the case.

Last update I was on day two, and now... I'm still on day two. The afternoon segment is done and the evening one is getting close, but it's taken a bit longer than I was expecting it to. I know... what's new? It does, however, have almost 200 images and 10 animations in it, and it's not even done yet!

This is (maybe) the last big day to be done, but even as I type that I know that some of the segments I have in mind to come aren't exactly small, so who knows?

I want to post some preview pics, but I don't really want to give too much away and finding images that are both interesting and non-spoilerific hasn't been easy. Maybe I'll post some pics of new outfits in the coming day or two. Might not be the most exciting thing ever, but it's something!

Until then, I'll get back to work and be back with another update in a few days!


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