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I need to chill the fuck out and scale back some of these scenes. I just got finished rendering the sharing part of Reiko's Maid part 2 and I've learned that more does not always equal better.

The sharing path has 7 people involved in it, and it's one of those scenes where you kinda want to see everyone with everyone else, but in order to do so, I find myself spending less time building up certain pairings, or giving more time to each different group.

I could, of course, just do all those things, but that would take even more time than I already am taking on a one-off and I think I've kinda gotten off course a bit.

Another issue is that I'll have to, once again, make a completely different scene for the non-sharing path, so that's another day or two tacked on to something that should really only take a couple of days at most.

In the future, I'll be scaling back the one-offs. Not in terms of how many I do (because I still have quite a few ideas brewing), but in how many people are involved in the scene. I have already eluded to a fairly large one-off in week 7, but I think I'm going to try to isolate the pairings that so that I can just focus on a few characters at a time and I can do multiple parts fairly quickly if need be.

Hopefully Reiko's Maid part 2 will be done in another couple of days and I can get back to work on week 7. This whole thing is a learning process for me, and bumps in the road like these are needed to teach me how to streamline what I want to do so I can get everything out in a timely manner.



How is Reiko's Maid 2 coming along? Have a release date yet? Thanks for the hard work!

NSFW Games

It's all but done. It will be out tomorrow, I just need to work out some back end stuff and get the links sorted.