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As you may have so cleverly guessed from the title of the post, I have finished rendering and scripting the first match (except for music/sounds which I always do last).

I actually have the next two "segments" written, just need to render them (you know.. the thing that takes the longest). I have some ideas for the second match as well, so it should be easier to produce when I start on it.

I'll admit, there's going to be less actual wrestling in this week's matches than you would expect. Hopefully they're still entertaining to see and the last match will be a little more traditional, so there's that.

I have an idea for the closing segment this week that pushes the accelerator for "crazy sex situations" down to the floor. I'm still mulling it over, though, since it does pretty much pin the needle in the red zone for as far as "fucked up" goes. I'm leaning towards doing it, just because this wouldn't be the only time something like this will happen, and because of the people involved.

There's such a large group of potential characters for scenes (and it's going to keep growing) that crazy shit is going to keep happening, so I guess.. go nuts? I'm just hesitant because the stuff that makes it so out there comes out of pretty much nowhere. 

I could always do a milder scene, then build up for the crazier one so it doesn't seem so sudden, but I don't know how long it would take to introduce all of the elements. Bleh.. now I'm just rambling and talking in circles.

If you have any thoughts, let me know. Should I just go for it, or... you know what? Fuck it. I'm doing it. Sorry you had to see some of the shit that goes through my head when making these episodes, haha!


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