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For the first poll of the Week 3 production, we'll start off with something simple. Later polls will have a little more impact, but this is still kinda important.

I'll be adding two new characters to Week 3, and all I need you to do is tell me what color their hair should be. It doesn't seem like much, but depending on the color, it could influence what kind of personality they have. I'll be taking the top 2 choices (should there end up being more than 2 picked). Feel free to choose more than one options, though I'd ask if you kept it to at most 3 votes.

Additional information about the girls:

-they are sisters (they don't need to have the same color hair)

-they are old enough to have adult children of their own

-their parents work for the company already (it's not important who, but you may be able to figure it out)

-I haven't decided their final roles yet, but to begin with they are simply eye candy for the pay-per-view. They may or may not end up as wrestlers.

If you have a color in mind that isn't listed, or a mix of colors (i.e. x color with y tips), just put it in the comments.

Also, I didn't put orange as a color because that's kinda covered by redhead, and also the twins will be making their debut within the next 2 to 3 weeks, and they both basically have orange hair.  I'm not saying you can't say you want orange in the comments, but just know that more orange haired girls are inbound soon.

I just realized that for a "simple" poll, I dumped a lot of info on you and gave you 18 choices to pick from.. 


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