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Monitor problem fixed, all renders and animations done and scripted. I need to add the sound effects to the matches, the music to the non-show segments, tweak the script a bit and it's done.

I don't work tomorrow, so I should be able to bang this out.

After that it's maybe another day to pack it, check it, and upload it.

I know I haven't posted as many pics this time for those of you at mid-card level and higher, but I don't really have anything interesting that wouldn't be a spoiler to post. I will tell you, however, that a few days after I release week 2, you're gonna get a big 'ol dump of pics. I want to wait a few days because they're actually related to stuff that goes on in the game, so obviously I want to give you time to play before I drop them in your lap.


p.s. I almost forgot.. for those at main event level, I have ideas for several polls for week 3 already, so you'll be seeing the first one of those in the next several days!


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