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The Falcon And The Wiinter Soldier EP01 New World Order FULL REACTION



*rubs hands together* Oh goodie, goodie, goodie! Been looking forward to this one.

Jeff K

I loved this show. Yes, it was uneven. But I don't understand the backlash it got overall. I'll take as much Sam and Bucky interaction as I can get, and I love Wyatt Russell.

Andrew Karr

The shield in this show is the same one Cap gave Sam at the end of Endgame. But it IS different than the one Cap had previously, the one Thanos broke. Cap would’ve acquired this new one in the past when he time travelled to put the stones back and live his life with Peggy. Why they are different hasn’t been explained.

Michael Harrop

Hey guys have you heard of a show called 'From'? Its by some of the makers of Lost and stars Michael from Lost. I've binged the first season in 2 days and it's so great! You should definitely watch it, first mystery style show thats actually filled the gap Lost left in my life 13 years ago!

sierra's reaction corner

Yes my favorite show is here haha! Love this show so much, so excited four reactions to the rest of the show. Post credit scenes are on episodes 5 & 6 for this show. I love how much insight we immediately get into Sam and Bucky. Even though we got a little bit more of Bucky in the movies, these two characters are ones that we've only really ever seen through their relation to Steve. It's nice getting to spend time with just them and like actually learn a bit more about them. I don't know if you caught it, but Sam (and his actor Anthony Mackie) is from Louisiana and it's nice to get a different geographical feel in the MCU, I feel like we're usually in big cities. I'm not from Louisiana, but I am also from the southern USA so that probably helps explain why I'm so biased towards this show lol Bucky's mental trauma is really hard to watch and explore, because it's so painful knowing how guilty and tormented he must feel over actions and events that were out of his control, that he himself was also a victim of, but he had to be the face of Hydra's crimes and now deal with that fallout regardless. And losing Steve definitely probably doesn't help. He's going through a lot. I've seen some people question why Tony wouldn't have like a stipend for the Avengers or something, and it wouldn't surprise me if he did, but it never really surprised me that Sam doesn't have much money from that at all. When we first met Sam he was just Steve's friend, probably making a living off whatever he got from his time in the Air Force and by working as a counselor, and wasn't even an Avenger until the end of Age of Ultron, which is also when Tony took a bit of a step back from the Avengers work. Then Sam probably lived on the Avengers Compound and got some money, but also didn't need to pay for much since food, home and supplies were taken care of. And then soon after, the Sokovia Accords happened and Sam sided with Steve, making him no longer a "legal" Avenger, and was on the run with them for years until Infinity War. And considering the factors of Sam getting blipped, the amount of people who fought in that final battle against Thanos, and Tony's sudden death and family to take care of, I highly doubt Tony even had the time or funds to make sure every person he knew was taken care of financially for the foreseeable future. And now Sam is back in a world where economic institutions are in shambles after half the entire universe returning after 5 years of being gone. Definitely crazy that the government hasn't given these Avengers a shit ton of money for saving the world, but then again it parallels how badly the USA treats it's real life veterans so it's not a surprise. Also they said this show takes place a few months after Endgame, and fun fact, in the timeline of the MCU, the year is supposed to be 2023!

Onno Smits

Only the final two episodes (5th and 6th) have a post-credit scene.

Alyssa Dyson

Although im not really a fan of this one overall i love you guys and i love Bucky and Sam so im still gonna enjoy this 💜


Alot of back and fourth emotions will be felt here...


The treatment that Sam got in this episode was infuriating.


When you learn how the US government treats American veterans, Sam’s situation seems less surprising.


As I've mentioned before, I haven't seen this show before now, and will be watching along with you two, but just from this first episode, I think I will enjoy it immensely. I don't understand why people said it wasn't good, but I guess they have their reasons. I think I'm going to like it, except maybe be irritated that someone else is taking Cap'n's spot.


Imo Bucky could never be the public face for Captain America stands for. Even though it wasn’t his fault, he did absolutely commit war crimes & it’s a lot of emotional baggage he would forever hold because of it.


Funny thing with Captain America - aside from being a soldier in WW2, he was never a government “operative.” Then Steve was gone for 70 years, was with Shield until it turned out they were trying to rule the world, was with the Avengers, who were a self-autonomous and extra-governmental (and the Sekovia accords were about taking control of them), and then he went rogue for at least two years after Civil War. The only thing the US government ever did as far as the “symbol” went was creating the poster boy image, and Steve became increasingly disenchanted with the government the longer he was back. Then, as soon as he’s gone…and he’s given the shield to someone else…they ask for it under the pretense of putting it in a museum, only to create a Captain America under their control. It’s actually really interesting to rewatch the Erskine scenes from The First Avenger along with this series - what the government wants out of Captain America, and how little control they ever had over the original, is interesting to think about.


So glad you are watching this! It's my favorite favorite MCU show. I think it's really underrated.


Both Falcon and Buck have been Cap in the comics, but I'm also not familiar with those stories so I can't say how successfully Buck did embody Cap.


If Steve thought that Bucky should take up the Shield... he would've given it to him, not Sam. For me, it's obvious that given their final conversation in Endgame... Bucky knew what Steve was going to do and supported it. Both in remaining in the past... and giving Sam the Shield. In my view, that's why Bucky doesn't look surprised that Steve missed the jump back (he looks knowingly)... and why he sent Sam over to the 'old man' on the bench. Even though Bucky didn't have a choice in the way Hydra used him... he has too much of a dark reputation to be an MCU Captain America. Steve chose Sam for good reason.

Jenny Lee Villanueva

Thank you. Love all the Marvel shows, specially the next one 💜


They mentioned, and the 'line-up' photo at the top of the page shows, that it will only be one episode per week for Falcon / Winter Soldier. Because it has less, but longer eps than WandaVision.


Love this show! Happy you guys seemed to enjoy the first episode. We are definitely back in grounded reality with this show. This is why I enjoy Marvel so much, there is literally something for everyone. Buck’s story never fails to bring me to tears, this episode especially. Rob really got me when he said that the word for people who have lost a child is “Broken” … some of us do find a way to mend that broken part, but the cracks are there forever. Thank you both for your hard work and allowing us to tag along on your Marvelous journey 😉 Waiting in pleasant anticipation for the next episode! *A quick note, listen for the “Winter Soldier” music from the movie, it was played in this episode when they show a close up of Bucky when Yori is talking about his son that was killed. The Winter Soldier’s music always gives me chills with it’s long drawn out screams.*


Remember, Steve chose Sam, not Bucky. Bucky's past is far too dark.


If Superheroes got a paycheck... we'd end up with The Boys.

the continent

There’s an important thread here that places a spotlight on how America treats their people. For one, Sam was in the armed forces before an Avenger (a hero either way), and he can’t even get a loan. After being blipped on top of that.


I'm always surprised when reactors don't pick up on the undertones here -- especially in the bank loan scene. Just goes to show that it's probably inconceivable to R&T. (Especially as not being Americans.) Which is lovely. But I guarantee you -- if Steve Rogers went in that bank, with no credit and no real income, he'd get that loan. Spot the difference.

Kathryn Harvey

I'd argue that's not the reason; Bucky's past isn't dark, Hydra's is. Bucky has given no indication he'd ever WANT the shield, and in fact has spent 90 years trying NOT to fight anymore. The shield is a commitment to keep fighting, and Steve wouldn't ask that of him after everything else he's been through.