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The top 4 will move into the final poll along with all the other winners of the next polls and battle it out in a FINAL POLL before the end of the week! You can VOTE FOR MORE THAN ONE as always! If you do not see your suggestion in this poll we have either seen it OR it will be in the following polls! 🥰


Good Will Hunting (1997) Groundhog Day (1993) Seven (1995) Apollo 13 (1995) Shindler's List (1993) Galaxy Quest (1999) Goodfellas (1990) Misery (1990)


Michele H.

I can’t believe My Cousin Vinny isn’t winning 💚


Whether it wins or not -- the Dude abides.

Bradley Weeks

Contact is my #1 pic for this round!


Heat would be great one eventually get to..stellar cast..Deniro and pacino..👍🏽


For my Johnny Depp tastes, Sleepy Hollow > Edward Scissorhands. Also... more 'happy' movies really need to win. It's like folks want to torture R&T with darker, disturbing movies. (Which many are classics, but still. Let them have some lightheartt joy, too.)


I really hope they watch Usual Suspects. One of the greatest films ever made.


Come on, show some support for Reservoir dogs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s Tarantino’s first, it would be great for them to start the Tarantino Journey now that they have seen and enjoyed pulp fiction !!!!!!!!!!!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Notting Hill and Sleepy Hollow are my choices for this poll! :) Heidi


How is “The Parent Trap” beating “Point Break?“ 😭

Kamanda Hickey

It's hard to choose between drama, romantic comedies, action, violence; these movies ask to be in a very different mood 😂


I’ve voted for three, two of which might make it. Rob & Trin - obviously you can’t please everybody! 😆But please keep these suggestions for future polls (you may do this already?!) as SO many are worth watching, but only a few can win the vote. I often struggle to choose. Some films I had no intention of voting for, or watching, have turned out to be great when I watch along with you - I’m sure you’ve found this yourselves. Even if a film scores low here, it’s probably decent quality to be suggested at all. (Good Patrons!) I’ve started to screenshot these polls as ideas for what to watch 🙂


👆 Sorry for the long-a$$ message! 🙊

Simon Williams

Everybody vote for Schindlers List. They need to see it and I need to see them see it.

Victoria Davis

Drop Dead Fred whoever recommended that movie great choice!


Please vote for “The Big Lebowski” - it would really tie the reaction together! 😋


All of these! lol


Clueless outperforming Point Break? Sometimes I despair at the species...


I second this. I went wild and voted for 5. The 90's were untainted by movie tropes and predictable plots. I would be elated and continue to support this channel if I get to rewatch these films from my childhood, but with two super cool people seeing them for the first time.